The doctor told me the swelling would soon subside. This made me happy. I hate swellings. Especially in my nose. Once my nose swelled up to the size of the moon. Literally. I was upstairs in the attic when my schnoz grew to the size of a lunar satellite. It crushed all of Prince Edward Island and displaced half of the Atlantic Ocean. People in Pakistan died.

Yes, having a nose the size of the moon is not good. For that matter, having a foot that is the size of a football stadium is also not good. That is what happened. I should not have eaten the Drano. I am allergic.

So yes... the doctor gave me a shot and I felt my foot start to tingle. I was mad. My foot was taking up two whole city blocks. Cars had to take detours. Life wasn't fun.

Anyway, the swelling went down the next day and my foot was back to normal again. No one made fun of me anymore. Not even Bandit, which is what we all called that crazy old man who hung around the pool hall.

I am careful not to eat Drano these days. I don't want my body parts to grow really big and crush people to death. The only reason I drink it is that Drano gives you chest hair and I want a hairy chest.

The next day, the doctor came to my house to give me the bill. Only $54, which is not so bad. I bought him a pizza too. Ahhh! Yummies!


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Shteevie (joined over 13 years ago)

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