She didn't look at him. She couldn't. If she even thought of him she could feel the tears welling upp and her throught constrict. How could he be so cold, so uncaring. She took a deep breath and tried to get a hold of her self. Feel nothing she intoned, feel empty. The hardest part was getting into bed at night. Laying down next to him and pretending that he wasn't there. He talked to her about nothing and she responded as evenly as she could manage, still without looking at him. SHe could feel his frustration, hurt and anger but still she did not relent. She would not look at him until he apologized. The days passed and the words between them siezed to have any meaning, and soon they stopped almost completely. One day she realized that what ever had been there was now dead. She had killed it. She looked at him at last and with sorrow realized that he would no longer look at her.


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blyger (joined over 14 years ago)
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