The world was ending. Not in the sense of Deep Impact or Independence Day. No, this wasn't a big budget Hollywood thriller. Simply told, the world was ending because drinking water was drying up, the ozone layer was nearly kaput, and we genetically engineered vitamins out of fruits and vegetables for blemish free skin. The lucky who weren't dropping dead of dehydration were losing their teeth to nutrient deficiency and getting 3rd degree burns from the sun.

Years earlier, NASA had found a planet that might support life and as things became more dire on Earth, they spent more time exploring this planet. China, Japan, Russia, and the US all came to the same conclusion: it could support life. It would have to.

China drew out first. They framed it like another exploratory mission but late one night, over 30,000 citizens boarded a shuttle and took off to their new home. Hundreds of thousands followed, leaving us in the dust.

Now, it was time for the US to move. There were applications, physical exams, and background checks. Nearly 75% of the population was excluded from leaving for obesity, felonies, and various diseases. They would be left behind. The lucky ones would head off for the great unknown.


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SarahC (joined over 14 years ago)

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