Light. Warmth. Heat. Fire. The smell of autumn tickled her nose. Earthy and soul reaching. Leaves swirled and the moon glowed overhead. The air carried a chill and as they discarded their clothes they drew closer to the crackling fire. Barefoot, their feet danced on fallen leaves. They held hands and circled to the right for seven skips then changed direction and danced to the left for twelve beats, then right again and left. Their chanting grew louder and they surged foreward, caught up in the moment, excitement and wonder overtaking them. One didn't join the circle but stayed apart, beating on a drum, guiding them. Or so he thought. When the time came they turned on him. The outsider. He was kept distant for a reason.


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yamnasus over 14 years ago

sigh...forward. Always a typo. Never mind.

Galen over 14 years ago

Hah, but a mere preference, really. Foreward is the probable original spelling of forward.

yamnasus (joined over 14 years ago)
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Wow! Love the 6 minute story! That was fun, heart still racing.
I have the feeling I might get addicted to this site. ;0)

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