It approached. The deadline was upon him. There was no more time, no more stalling, no more pleading and simply no more giving. It was time, a harsh fate was to be met. Failure on all accounts, many unsuccessful attempts, it was not good enough. Their eyes met, tears sprang to hers and determination hardened his jaw. There was no way out, this was it. They would not see him cry. They would not see him ground down. He raised his hand and placed it on the window that separated them. She did the same. They had each said all that there was to say a few moments before and had both hung up their phones. Pain, sorrow and gut-wrenching defeat flooded through them both. Her lips quivered. His blue eyes turned to steel; grey, bleak, unyeilding. He shook his head, his eyes commanded her, do not let them see you cry. Do not break.
He stood up and they led him away. Tonight he would have his last meal. Tonight, the end approached.


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Galen over 14 years ago

By the "gut wrenching defeat" I get the feeling he is innocent. So sad.

yamnasus (joined over 14 years ago)
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Wow! Love the 6 minute story! That was fun, heart still racing.
I have the feeling I might get addicted to this site. ;0)

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