General Hutchison stroked his jaw pensively. "So this - what do you call it?"

"SR-33, sir. The soldier robot, 33rd prototype."

"Took you 33 tries to get it right, huh?"

Mr. Raoul ignored the general's attempt at humor. "You'll find that it's just as capable of understanding and carrying out orders as one of your own men, sir, but its reflexes are faster, its senses are sharper, and it isn't afraid of death."

"Sounds like the perfect soldier, son," Hutchison remarked. "So this SR-33, have there been any of them programming glitches with it?"

"No sir, the operating system has multiple redundant backups that protect it in case of EMP, enemy hackers, or any other type of sabotage. It's been tested with over a thousand Quality Assurance man hours, and it's ready for front-line duty, sir."

"No kiddin'. So, you say it looks just like a real human being, eh?"

"That's right, sir. Once we put the uniform on, even the natives will be fooled into pinning flowers on it, and the insurgents won't know the difference until it's too late."


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