The hunter followed, exposing himself. Edwin noted his height and confident stride. Their battle would be violent and difficult; but only if the hunter could catch him first.

As soon as he cleared the crowd at the train station he broke into a run, dashing past street vendors and through alleyways, zig-zagging across the city in an attempt to lose his pursuer.

After ten minutes, he paused at the mouth of an alley, leaning over to catch his breath. At the other end, a car went by ... then another ... then the hunter's silhouette appeared again. Slowly and deliberately, his adversary advanced.

Not possible, Edwin thought to himself. Not possible. Unless the hunter had some way of tracking him besides the pair of eyes possessed by a normal human being.

Edwin collected the last of his magics and jumped, leaping higher than no human had a right to unaided. He landed on the roof. Then he ran again.

Finally, he turned to face his opponent.


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the-arraignment (joined over 13 years ago)

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magic chase


He exited the train at Buenos Aires.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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