"I've got a loaded weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!" she shouted, holding the cat in her arms like an AK-47 as the snow swirled around her on the open playing field.
"You touch my snowman again and I will set the cat on you!"she snarled, walking menacingly towards the group of chav-scum teenagers who were busy kicking over her children's carefully constructed snowmen.
"Oh yeah, as if we're scared!" one of them challenged her. She just smiled, peeled back her black balaclava and revealed her badly scarred face. "He did this last month." she said simply, and let the cat down on the ground with only two words:
"Kill, Tigger!"
The cat strode menacingly towards them, and their grins slowly turned to concern and then to absolute terror as the cat climbed up the leg of the ring-leader by digging in his claws and hauling himslef up, claw by claw.
"OW ! Gerrit off of me!" he screamed, and the cat just carried on. !I'm sorry ! I won't do it again!" and the cat jumped down, purring


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