Other stories for this prompt

Whenever we move, I watch the rear view mirror as we drive. I can't let my home go, no matter if we lived there for three months or three years. I'm 23 now, and I still travel a lot. This time, I watch the setting sun as it disappears in my wake. The reds, oranges, and yellows mix together as my boyfriend drives me to our new house. We have a balcony that faces westward, so I can paint the sunset every night. I don't forget what I see when I drive to my new homes. Just walking down the...

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He watched in the side mirror as the car got closer and wondered who was in it, what were they doing?

Maybe they were a family on vacation or, like him and his partner, two businessmen on a trip.

No, he thought to himself. They were spies sent to take him and his companion hostage for their new software. His company recently designed a powerful anti-virus program and were likely to take down Norton, McAfee, and the other giants int the industry. So, of course they would want to bring his company down. But, what the men in the car...

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About the prompt

Originally displayed on:
June 21, 2013


We like you. Say "Hi."