Other stories for this prompt

I was stealthy. I knew my prey was crafty, so I prepared. Night vision goggles, sniper rifle, grenades just in case. I was stalking the elusive Reindeer through the forests of the Northwest.

Oh, but he was a crafty one, indeed.

He doubled back on me. I barely saw him coming. Who knew reindeers could fly? This one was wearing a blue cape, and its nose was glowing bright red.

I should have seen it coming. He ambushed me.

Then I saw the man himself. Santa. I thought he was made up. He'd been behind the ambush the entire time....

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About the prompt

Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Reindeer
villain Hunter
goal Celebrity
Prompt suggested by Galen
Originally displayed on:
April 08, 2010


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