I remember my Nans pension book. The smell of the paper and the ink. I would hold it to my nose as I walked to the post office. Nan would pre-sign it and Mary, the post mistress, would happily cash it.
Then, at the main counter, I'd purchase Nans usual forty Number Six Tipped and fizzy cola bottles for me. It didn't matter that I was only eleven. In our little village everyone knew everyone.
Eventually the pension books were replaced with the new banking system, something my Nan never quite got the hang of. My trips to the little post office ceased as did my weekly treat.
Even now the taste of fizzy cola bottle sweets reminds me of my Nan and takes me back toa more innocent age.


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Galen about 14 years ago

Beautiful snapshot.

coffeewithkate (joined over 14 years ago)
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The Mistress of Procrastination. ;-)

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