The elephant dragged it's feet leaving sandy clouds of gritty dust in its wake. Behind the elephant a group of half naked woman shook their tambourines and threw spectacular colours of powder around. The colours merged like a flour rainbow. I wondered where my mother had gone and imagined that she had been swallowed up in this multi coloured whirlwind.
I needn't have worried. There she was bending over the twin tub, her hair scraped back, her muscular arms winding the mangle in a slow, precise action. She turned to me and smiled. My heart leapt. She very rarely smiled. I held my doll closer and smelt her nylon hair.

The morphine eventually wore off. I was alone in that sterile room once more. The pain of my empty belly came back and I cried.


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bespectakate about 14 years ago

Beautiful and heartbreaking <3

coffeewithkate (joined over 14 years ago)
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The Mistress of Procrastination. ;-)

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


The elephant dragged its feet.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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