I am in love with a robot.

That's quite simply the only way to describe it.

Because although the robot wears His clothes, and says what He would say, I never actually see Him.

I never hear His voice, I don't get to look into His eyes, it has been so long since I felt the touch of His hands...

Therefore, the only way that I can describe my relationship with him, is that I am in love with a robot. Or more accurately, my mobile phone. Because my phone offers me the comfort of His words when I can't hear them. It shows me a picture of His face when I can't see Him. And as I fall asleep at night, the feel of it in my hand replaces the need to hold His hand.


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Tommy-Louise (joined over 14 years ago)
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The loud chick in the corner.

With the big eyes.

And the notebook in her bag.

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