(To read Part 2, follow this link: http://sixminutestory.com/stories/somewhere-better-part-2.)


The voice was gigantic, though how such powerful sound came out of such a small creature was beyond her.

The furry animal was sitting back on its haunches in the tall emerald grass, looking up at her as if anticipating something.

She shifted uneasily. "You said you call yourself Someone Good?" she said. "What kind of a name is that?"

"We name ourselves by our attributes," said the creature, in its gigantic voice, which seemed to be full of every meaningful thing. "We are good," it continued. And from behind her, the same voice, and yet a different voice, added, "And we are Someone."

She scrambled to her feet and turned to find the source of the second voice. There, on the grass, was the same animal. And yet, was it the same one? It had spoken with the same gigantic voice, and yet this, also, had held some tinge of difference.

She stepped back in confusion, and suddenly felt what seemed to be a chill in the air.

Both voices spoke at once. "Be still," they said. "We are Good."

The wind seemed to grip at her skin, alternately chilling and soothing, terrifying and comforting...

(Read the conclusion in Part 4, here: http://sixminutestory.com/stories/somewhere-better-part-4.)


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TimSevenhuysen (joined about 14 years ago)
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I write 50-word stories at www.FiftyWordStories.com. I post a story every weekday, with guest submissions featured on Mondays.

I enjoy writing all kinds of microfiction, and I love seeing what other people come up with.

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fantasy girl solemn joy magic world chill good


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