Going nowhere fast.

That was what her father said every time she got less than an A, or whenever she had less than three hours of homework. The fact that she played varsity soccer, with a scholarship nearly guaranteed, didn't seem to change his opinion of her.

Turned out he was right. In the second-to-last game of the season, she fell and broke her ankle. No scholarship for her. She gave up on college.

She ended up as a bartender at one of the hippest restaurants in the city. And you know what? She found she had more fun at this job than she had in her entire life beforehand.

She might be going nowhere fast, but she was sure having fun getting there!


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Fablanta almost 13 years ago

I liked this story. It reminds us that a job need not just be a means to and end.

Sammi (joined about 14 years ago)

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