I held it at arm's length. The stench permeated the air around me. (I had just gotten a word of the day calendar, that's why I knew what permeated meant.) Pinching my nose, I placed it on the table.

Whatever it was, Andy had gone through a lot of trouble to get it. He saw it floating down the river, and he dove in after it. Too bad that two minutes later, after he caught up to it, a barge full of household rubbish tipped over and spilled its... cargo all over him. It reeked of consumerism.

I pulled the gas mask over my face. This wasn't going to be fun. It took a good ten minutes to get the first layer of grime off of it with a cloth. Whatever the hell it is, it had best be worth it, I thought to myself.

I was halfway through the third layer when I saw it. A shiny surface, in the midst of the murk and the sludge. It caught my eye almost immediately. It was radiant. Glamourous. Beautiful.


He found a gold bar floating in the water.

He used it to buy cocaine.


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Gone Awry almost 14 years ago

Cocaine?! What kind of an idiot finds a gold bar and uses it to buy COCAINE? and who throws out a gold bar anyway? You don't just drag an old garbage bag in the river and expect to find a gold bar inside! Still, what kind of moron uses a gold bar to buy COCAINE? It's gonna kill you, why spend an entire gold bar on it?

James Vernon (joined almost 14 years ago)
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"Hummingbird" James Vernon is a 16 year old A-Level student in England. He likes video games, tabletop games and making fun of things. In this way, he is much like the majority of the internet.

Unfortunately, like the majority of the internet, he isn't good at any of these either. However, he considers himself pretty good at writing.

And also at consistently using the third person. And also at thinking up terrible nicknames for himself.
And also at using the sentence beginning "And also."

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


shaggy dog story


waste of time stench like the bowels of hell hard work


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