In 1921, he flew from the Great Rift Valley. Or so they think. "He" had used a little one passenger plane to conquer the walls of the seemingly unescapeable abyss. All i would have needed was a match and a stick of dynamite, but he had to do it the fancy way. Jonathan Ocre had been a simple farmer's son, making his living off caring for the neighbor's cattle. He'd jumped into the valley to see what was at the bottom, and most thought he was a goner. But he defied expectations and one day just burst out of the hole in a little plane. Then, after soaking up all the publicity, for "reasons unknown" dissapeared without a trace. And that' where i came in. No one knows the real story, what actually happened to Jonathan Ocre. My name is Diana Fledgling, resident of San Francisco, California, alias Jonathan Ocre.


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Gone Awry (joined about 14 years ago)

I have been many places, seen many things, been many things as well, but what I shall never stop being, is a writer, a traveler of dreams and the human soul. My name is none of your concern. Call me anything or nothing; I may not answer to anything, or answer to everything.

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mystery Reality


dissapeared alias flew great rift valley real story


In 1921, he flew from the Great Rift Valley.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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