I don't know what I'm doing here. I never really have to be honest. Going through that door was the worst decision of my life and now look where I am. Stuck here, in a world I know nothing about, one that looks so familiar and yet so alien. A place where I am surround by people yet so alone.

I'd rather I was actually alone, it's much better than being ignored. Much better than the situation I'm in now.

It boggles the mind what the people are like here. They never stop, they're always moving. None of this makes sense to me. I shouldn't have come here.

... I hate clubbing.


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CraigTowsley almost 14 years ago

Oh crap - I know that feeling. Nicely put.

CraigTowsley almost 14 years ago

Oh crap - I know that feeling. Nicely put.

Gone Awry almost 14 years ago

Yes, very nicely put. clubbing isn't exactly comfortable, now, is it? A bunch of people crammed shoulder to shoulder , and around 99 % of them are dancing around. Not my idea of "comfy".

DefinitelyTaran (joined almost 14 years ago)


Writer of fantasy, plays and haiku.

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


emotional phychological comedy


comedy alone emotional meloncholy twist feeling alien


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