Write as you please, in six minutes, like a breeze.

They make it sound so easy, like it is as easy as taking a bath or brushing your hair. Omitting the fact that it is actually quite challenging, a formidable task, failing to mention the fire details.

Then again, I guess, to an elderly person or someone who is physically impaired, bathing and brushing might be considered challenging too.

So I am sitting here, in this large, airy room, surrounded by other nervous candidates, trying to recall everything that I have learned over the past six moths, endeavouring to capture in coherent sentences the very essence of the thing.

What was it I was supposed to remember? What was it we were taught? What were the specifics that I was, under no circumstances, supposed to forget? Hmmm. I am struggling, a lot.

I glance around at my peers, some old, some young. They are all beavering away, much more intently than I would like. I start to worry that I am the only one who has gone completely blank, the only one who will, in a week or so, receive back a pamphlet of pages covered in red.

I press my pen to the page and will my hand into action. I coax my brain to


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CraigTowsley almost 14 years ago

This sentence "capture in coherent sentences the very essence of the thing'' is mysterious and perfect.

RebeccaAtherton almost 14 years ago

Thank you Craig, I really appreciate your feedback. I have independently finished a linfer draft of the piece and will very soon upload it. Getting cut off mid-sentence is really annoying. Writing on my iPad or phone I can't see the timer.

Galen almost 14 years ago

@Rebecca Thanks for the heads up on the iPhone / iPad. I'll look into a new layout specifically for mobile.

becsatherton (joined over 14 years ago)
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I have always loved art and drawing has been an important part of my life ever since I can remember. Having creative parents provided me with the right genes and also meant that my naive dabblings were given plenty of encouragement. Growing up, our kitchen walls were lined with huge pinboards which displayed my work. I guess you could say that this was my first exhibition, my audience consisting of family and friends. To date – apart from school and university, where there was always a termly show – it remains the only one. Life interfered with other priorities and stole away my earlier confidence.
Since graduating, I have been a web designer, a graphic designer, a magazine editor, an art director, a copy writer, a literary consultant, a poet, an aspiring novelist, and many other less inspiring things. I have also founded a literary arts magazine called Inside Out, which published two issues before the recession hit.
For the last year, I have been hard at work writing and drawing and would now call myself a writer, poet, artist and illustrator. I use these mediums as ways to better understand myself and find them helpful in exploring and resolving personal problems. This was the focus of Inside Out, which promoted creativity for personal development and emotional well-being. One day I hope to qualify as a creative therapist, offering workshops and retreats and teaching this valuable skill to other individuals.

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Blank Prompt

Freeform prompt. Every Friday, writers face a blank page without any prompt. They write whatever they want in six minutes or less.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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