After the snow melts and the grass starts to grow back, she takes her car and drives out to the country. If she keeps going, she'll find a soybean field left empty and filled with wild prarie grass. She parks the car, gets out and stands in the middle of the field.

She can see for miles and miles. The whole world is sky and grass. She can smell manure when the wind blows.

She lies down in the grass to sleep. The earth is warm and soft. She is sinking into it like a seed. Ever since her family came here on a covered wagon, they have grown out of the dirt like corn, weeds, or grass.


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ganymeder almost 14 years ago

Nice simile as well as imagery. Very eloquent.

Galen almost 14 years ago

I like the sense of home, of place. (/me deconstructs for kicks and giggles.)

lekvarlover (joined almost 14 years ago)
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Neophyte writer. Insomniac. Lover of semicolons. Favorite countries are Russia, Finland, and Canada.

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farm nature


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