Bobby had lived in his imagination as a child. Within the universe of his mind, he was an action hero, an iron-willed daredevil. He could meet any challenge, snatch victory from the jaws of any defeat, bravely pull off any stunt.

Now that he was older, he was learning more and more that he would probably never trade tracer bullets with South American guerillas, or infiltrate the secret Appalachian hideout of a band of communist child kidnappers, or balance on the hood of a car, guns blazing, while pursuing Somalian bank thief pirates across a perilous frozen lake.

But maybe, just maybe, he could live those dreams some day, through his words.


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Galen over 13 years ago

Autobiographical? :D

TimSevenhuysen over 13 years ago

In a very general sense, yes. :)

TimSevenhuysen (joined about 14 years ago)
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I write 50-word stories at I post a story every weekday, with guest submissions featured on Mondays.

I enjoy writing all kinds of microfiction, and I love seeing what other people come up with.

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adventure action


adventure action epic hero car chase


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