The attic was stuffy, of course it should be. It is May, and they are preparing to move into a new house.

She is hunched over a box sifting through the items time seems to have forgotten.

She sees kids medals, awards and photos from the ceremonies. She finds trinkets and grade school crafts. Making sure they are in tact, and making sure she wishes to keep the memories, she places the items into the box with care.

The boys have been out of the house for years now. These items are all that pretty stays here. They have their own lives and two of them are married.

She does not dwell on the objects. She marks a box with a big X with a circle around it. This was their system, stating this box was good for the move.

Then she opened a box that appeared to barely hold itself together.

She knew this box, and it was tucked in the corner for a reason.

An old smell, like how old leather bound books smell, emitted from the box. In it were old books, more trinkets and photos.

She then saw the photos of her father and mother. And the photos of her husband's father and mother.

After seeing the pictures of her children, she found the same smiles across all the faces. The same features she studied so well when her boy were born.

Taking her time, she examined the photos, the trinkets and books. She placed them carefully back into the box.

She drew an X with a circle around it on the box.


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