Sarah sat down on the concrete bench and stared at the couple locked in an embrace.The city lights across the water blinked glowed and highlighted them against the dark sky.
The light also highlighted what Sarah lacked.
"Lousy tourists," she said fumbling through her purse for her pack of cigarettes.
She found the pack and pulled one loose and lit it.Hoping to get the bitter taste out of her mouth.
The couple hugged and kissed each other's cheeks foreheads and ears. They whispered softly and then laughed.
They stared out at the city skyline, they hands searching desperately for the other.
Sarah exhaled loudly. She hoped it would disturb the couple, distract them from their happiness, if just for a second.
The couple started kissing again, and Sarah crushed her butt under her heel in disgust.
She stood up and smooth her skirt. She walked over to the couple.
"This probably isn't the time," she said to the man. "But I think I might have left my earrings at your place."
Sarah walked back inside, leave the man scrambling for an answer.


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CraigTowsley (joined about 14 years ago)
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I think this site is like a power juicer to the armadillo-skinned oranges of writer's block.

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