I jumped.
In a few years time I would be able to pin down the thought processes that had led to possibly the most insane decision of my life, but right now all I felt was the surge of adrenaline as I took that leap of faith and laced my fingers with those of the man next to me. The almost stranger, the man who'd watched me across the room for the past month. We'd barely even spoken until two days before yet here I was, my hot sweaty hand in his, leaping into the unknown.
I couldn't help it, I looked down, then over my shoulder to see the face of what I'd been running from for the past year, what the man who'd given me this choice had sensed about me, and the sight of my past was enough to spur me on into my future. So I jumped. No, we jumped, together.
The wind rushed through my hair, the tears streamed from my eyes and I could hear the horrified shout of the people above as they reached the ledge and saw us falling.
The rope tensed, we jerked as the safety mechanisms kicked in and our feet hit the ground. I couldn't help it, I looked up and waved. Then I did something I'd wanted to do for a month; I looked up at the man who'd saved me and kissed him


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Shinicat (joined about 13 years ago)

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running falling jumping


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