It was really quite simple. I called him in to prepare my nightly tea time, he walked into the room and I shot him between the eyes.

Was really his fault. He couldn't be counted on to keep quiet about my nature. Still, it was fun while it lasted. I called in the maids and they promptly set upon his body for removal. It was something like a week and I had gone through almost a dozen staff. They buzzed like flies when I needed them, but just could not keep to themselves when it came to keeping secrets.

So I go out shopping for new staff everyday. A new cook to replace an unfortunate incident involving a dishwasher. Another valet because the tow-truck missed it's mark. A few more maids since the last ones ran screaming from the house. Poor souls, they really should start reading the finer print in the brochure. I mean it's not my fault they're clumsy or that I'm a bit ill tempered.

It's just not everyday you get to work for Death.


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Delia Biscuits over 12 years ago

Good one :) Best I've read off this prompt yet!

Delia Biscuits over 12 years ago

Good one :) Best I've read off this prompt yet!

AdamLewis (joined over 13 years ago)

Student of film. Student of writing. Still learning how one writes such stories. Yet, still fascinated about what it means to "write"

Learning how to write with extreme constraints is hard. Learning how to make sense is harder.

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dark fantasy




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