And I don't think that they are going anywhere anytime soon. Now that the 5am hour is upon me, I feel as if maybe the person standing in the corner of my room will be able to lift me out of bed. He's done it before, and today I really feel like I might need a little extra help.

My room is a very lively place; it is where I feel the safest. Not only do I do my best work in my room, but this man is in my room, like he always is, night after night. He no longer frightens me, but makes me feel safe. I am no longer alone, and it feels okay.

He told me once that he had a life where he trained elephants at the circus, but got out of it because of the birth of his baby girl. He wanted to be a part of her life, and travelling with the circus was going to make that difficult. His story was sad, because he had to part with his elephants. When he first appeared in my room, he began to cry. I held his hand and told him that everything would be okay. Now, his daughter has grown up and forgotten about him.

I won't forget about the man in my room. While my life feels insignificant and a little somber, he is there to help me. Sometimes when someone can offer you just a little bit of time, you feel the safest. This man is very old, and I don't know if he will ever leave, but the important thing is that he is here now, and I sort of like it that way.


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jshersher (joined over 13 years ago)

Love letters are always encoded for the one, and not the many.

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There's somebody standing in the corner of my room.
Prompt suggested by lisamarie20010


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