They were listening. They children, huddled in the hallway on that November night, heard every word their parents said to one another. Well, yelled at one another. The children were used to the fights by now but this one sounded more serious. They were fighting over the money - as usual. Money had been tight lately and their father had been working extra hours just to stay away from the fighting. As the four children walked back to their bedrooms, they could still hear the words being thrown across the room between their parents. As they slipped into a fitful sleep, they all wondered if things would ever get better.
It wasn't until three years later that all four of the children were invited to a children's program at a nearby church. There they were told about a man names Jesus who died to save them from all the bad things in the world. And they were told that he loved them. That was something new.


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Gone Awry about 13 years ago

Oh yeah. Jesus rocks. Very good story, as well.

Jayden Nicole (joined about 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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