I am dancing the night away, now that I can no longer overcome the call of the ocean. She has been wanting me to join me for all my life.

I used to walk on the seaside and feel the pull of the ocean. I always know that my life would one day end in the sweet arms of the ocean. Now as I am here dancing the night away with my true love the ocean, as he left me. He who I thought loved me, but I found in the arms of another woman.

I could not hate him for it, because he was never my only love. The ocean was always the bigger love and I am happy he found luck as I am now doing. This is where I belong, in the darkness of the ocean.


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virre (joined almost 14 years ago)
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I think I should start using this site again

English is NOT my native language, and yet I write in it. With all the mistakes that follows. Such as I write wrong on some of the more common words there and their. Shamefully as it is , I should know the difference.

The fact that my inspiration for quick stories mostly comes while tired do not help the spelling either.

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


love lost ocean suicide lust non-native sea water drowning truth


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