Peasants. The term had only been approved by the Officals a few weeks ago and now, everyone of my Group was referred to as a Peasant. Grandmother used to tell stories about the people who used to be called Peasants. They were basically slaves and very poor but that was hundreds of years ago. Today in 2796, the Officals won't allow anyone to accuse them of abusing their citizens so we are provided with enough food and shelter and clothes to stay alive. Alive. No, that's not right. We survive. Here, we don't really live. At least, not in the way that people used to in the stories; with sunshine and dancing and music and dreams. Now, we can only work and survive while the beauty of the past taunts us. I wonder if the people who lived so long ago knew how good they had it...


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Fablanta almost 13 years ago

Nice little story. For some reason I think this is written from the viewpoint of a child but poverty usually runs with lower education so this could be an adult Peasant's tale.

Jayden Nicole almost 13 years ago

Yeah, I sort of imagine a child telling this story, a girl in her early teens, maybe.

Jayden Nicole almost 13 years ago

Yeah, I sort of imagine a child telling this story, a girl in her early teens, maybe.

Jayden Nicole (joined over 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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