With tears running down my cheeks, my hand on top of hers she looked up at me and said, "Do you know what we are? We're the friends who became sisters." I smiled at her and laughed a little. I felt like my heart was expanding in that moment and ready to burst with all the joy I felt and I didn't try to stop it. "Sisters." I geuss the old saying is true, then: Friends are family you chose for yourself.


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kmh289 over 12 years ago

I feel like friends come and go for me, so I got a little "not my life, but nice to feel like it is for a minute" buzz from immersing myself in the few lines from this story.

Jayden Nicole over 12 years ago

Well, I'm glad I was able to let you feel it for a minute. :)

mrlngn almost 12 years ago

Such a lovely relationship. I wish i had one or two sisters.

Jayden Nicole (joined almost 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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