Twisting, turning, bending, breaking. Well, I haven't broken yet, but I sure can't bend much further without snapping in a million pieces. I mean, how many lies can a person twist before they break? I've been living this life for so long that you'd think lying would just be part of the job by now. I mean, come on. I'm a spy. It shouldn't be this difficult anymore. At the beginning, sure but not now. They stand in front of me and I can see in their eyes that they aren't quite as clueless as before. Oh boy. The boss won't be impressed with this little mess I've created. Searching my brain for something I can say that won't hurt them anymore than it has to, I come up dry. Maybe the time when everyone thinks you're fearless is a good time to face the big ones. I'm just about to let loose a monster called Truth when, at the last second, I twist. The words that I'm saying are the truth, but they are twisted beyond recognition. That's it. I'm going to break.


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Jayden Nicole (joined over 13 years ago)

I have a passion for art and an overactive imagination.

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