As I sat in the grass, surrounded by the darkness, I saw them all around me. Millions.
Their lights twinkling all through the forest, creating a dancing wave of color. The creatures move silently, using their lights as a path to find each other. I sit silently watching in awe, wondering how such a perfect thing could exist in nature. I admire the beauty, and lay against the soft earth. The fireworks of the lights cross against the dark sky. I smile, and let my mind wander along with the lights. I could not ask for a more perfect night, or anything with less wonder. The animals around me seem enchanted also, and I cannot help but feel like I am witnessing something that began ages ago. The lights dance in their circles high above me, and I am transfixed in them. They dance around my head, like the marchmen in a parade. The lights are the most natural thing I have seen. Fireflys are the most amazing creatures in nature.