Twist. Twist your t-shirt to ring out the blood and water. Shake. Shake your head again and again. It's over. It's gone now.

Your palm feels cold against your forehead, but the blood is hot. Hot and wet and it feels funny because there's no pain, only heat. And you can see but its not the same somehow, like when you look away from staring at the lightbulb and shapes dance around you.

I hear pounding. Like drums. Hammering a distant rhythm but wait... no. It's in my head. It really is. Blood. Pounding, marching through each stressed canal like an Armada of ships, laying siege on my pain. The pain is gone now. So is my light. My hands were in front of me, but they don't feel attached anymore. I black out.


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LukeOverbeek (joined almost 15 years ago)

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