"Peasants," I said as I walked by a group huddled together speaking in their annoying voices and telling stupid stories. Every one of them are peasants.
Nobody was as kind as I was, as smart as I was, as talented as I was, as beautiful as I was.
I allowed the peasants to live in my world. They will never be up to my standards. But I allowed them so be.
My butler brought me an my-cream sundae with gold flakes sprinkled on top,on a solid gold platter, with a white gold spoon that had diamonds embedded in the handle.
No peasant has had my


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ganymeder almost 12 years ago

Wait, what happened? No! You need to finish it! :)

haihowzitgoin (joined over 12 years ago)

I'm trying to overcome severe writers block so bear with me :D

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