The rain pounded on his jacket and head like furious warriors attempting to break the city's gates.

His paced quickened and he tried to pay attention to the drops, now falling in droves. Relentless was the water falling from the sky, and relentless was his restless mind.

A restless mind trying to forget the words spoken to him 15 minutes ago.

They say no parent should bury their child, but no parent should have to hear, "I hate you" or "I just don't want you in my life anymore."

He was a good father, when she was younger. He saw her first breath in this world, her first step on Earth. He saw smiles with no teeth, and teeth seemingly formed out of no where.

He was there physically, but his mind was elsewhere. And that was his sin. this is what the rain was reminding him of.

It reminded him of his divorce. Of how he threw himself in to his work more. How he threw himself in to his drink more.

It reminded him of the awards he won for his advertisement creations. It reminded him of all his success.

And how he would trade that in a second to not hear the words spoken to him 17 minutes ago. He would do anything now, entering the twilight of a career to simply see her get married for the first time. To see her first steps with her husband. To see all those other beginnings he never cared to prepare for earlier in his life.

The rain poured and he thought.


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