Until now, she never thought of herself as pretty.
Each morning she would stare in the mirror and try to pick one good feature of herself, different from the day before. It was never difficult for her, she liked the color of her eyes and the thickness of her hair but until this moment, she had never felt put together.
But in this moment, with the boy of her dreams watching her descend down the staircase in a gorgeous white dress, she felt pretty.
She felt the tears welling up in her eyes as she passed her Grandmother and felt her father squeeze her arm. This was the day that she would remember for the rest of her life. This was the moment that cameras would capture and this moment would always be displayed in her new home. As she reached her fiance and her father kissed her cheek, she noticed tears in her soon-to-be husbands eyes and he grabbed her hand whispering, "You're perfect."


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charleymacritchie (joined over 12 years ago)

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wedding dress husband pretty moving


Until now, she'd never thought of herself as pretty.
Prompt suggested by TimSevenhuysen


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