The water was clear and not a cloud was in the sky. Melody lay in the tall weeds near the lake under a weeping willow.
This was the last day of her summer vacation and as she was lounging there she was pondering all of the things she had done that summer and the things she wished she did.
She realized that only so much is possible in 104 days but that realization did not defer her mind from thinking of all her missed opportunities.
In reality isn't it strange that humans must choose what they want to use their time for? Really you can't do Everything. Or is really not that we don't have time for everything and just don't WANT to do everthing?
So many questions in life really.


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Anglea almost 12 years ago

I read on your profile that you are overcoming writer's block. I really enjoyed this story, so true thinking about how we spend our time.

haihowzitgoin (joined over 12 years ago)

I'm trying to overcome severe writers block so bear with me :D

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