Captain, the family dog, had been after the neighborhood fox for weeks for scaring the hens in the middle of the night, dragging the farmer from his bed. Tigger, the Maine Coon cat, knew that he could use this to his advantage. So one night he waited for the fox in the hen house and when the fox was up to his usual mischief, Tigger pounced upon him, boxing his face and ears.

When Tigger was certain the fox was sufficiently riled, he fled to Captain's dog house, creating quite the disturbance. To see a dog chasing a fox chasing a cat was something else indeed. With Captain's attention on the fox, Tigger was free to


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jpwest6 (joined almost 12 years ago)

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Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Tigger, The Maine Coon Cat
villain The Neighborhood Fox
goal To distract the Family Dog Captain
Prompt suggested by booksaboutpeace


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