The Moon would never the the same again. That's what I told John after I watched him smooth over the earth with the shovel, cover the grave with branches and walk ahead of me back to the car.

We didn't mean to kill him. But night after night hearing him beat and rape his small Asian wife whilst their young daughter cried in another room eventually made us realise that something had to change.

We just wanted to scare him, role reversal. Make him feel like he was worthless. Had no-one to turn to. Somehow the gun went off, that's what I will always tell myself.

It's been a month and we've been hearing laughter through the walls. Lila looks up and smiles at us over the garden fence.

Sometimes at night I don't want to look up at the moon. Too many memories.


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ganymeder over 11 years ago

Great story. Loved the way you showed all the consequences.

Anglea (joined over 12 years ago)

Six minute story is brilliant as a daily mental excercise to write on a variety of topics. It involves a lot of trial and error before I finish in the given time.

I am often surprised which of my stories receive the most views, often those I planned to delete.

COPYRIGHT - please contact me in advance via a recent story page if you wish to use my stories in anyway.

A digital animation has been made from one of my stories



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Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0


flash fiction


murder accident domestic abuse


The Moon would never be the same again.
Prompt suggested by the-arraignment


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