It had been a long day the escape from the crowd into the woods had worn Jessica out completely she was tired. leaving him behind at the alter was the hardest thing she had ever done abut looking at the hand held in hers and his long gait as he traversed the trail easily she knew this was right. The man before her she had always loved she couldn't believe that he had come back for her though he said he would. Years before he had went away to travel the world but the moment he walked into the room her heart burst and she ran to him the 5 years apart didn't matter. The fact she was standing at an alter with another man didn't matter. she was staring into the face of her lover and this time she would follow him anywhere. She would never lose him again she made it to the car where he had her old gear... off on an adventure.


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Tobey Wilson (joined almost 11 years ago)
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