Driving along a road at night, rain pelting down, tall trees waving low branches across the sky, no moon, no road lights - thank god for cats eyes to keep me in the middle of this narrow lane. I wonder how far I have to drive before I can forget what happened? I wonder how far I have to travel before I can lose myself? I wonder how far I have to search before I find myself?

A failed marriage. A broken heart. The stuff of melodrama. I never thought these things would happen to me. Trapped in the nightmare of other people's letters to agony aunts. How smug I once was - taking for granted all the good things in life.

I guess life doesn't come with an instruction manual. With love there is no easy guide - not A-Z of how to proceed. Perhaps there should be some sort of driving test before we are allowed to live and love and break each other's hearts. A highway code for life. Yes, that would be a great idea. And maybe we need to apply for a driving license, along with an MOT and life insurance, before we are allowed to embark on relationships. Can I inspect your log book sir? Before I let you drive my car / life / heart?

Yes, if only life was as easy as driving.

Somewhere, on this lonely road, between the shrouding woods and the desolate fields, on this dark and dismal journey with no end in sight, I lost my grip on the wheel.


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RuthLivingstone (joined about 14 years ago)
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