As I wandered through the market, I found many new and mysterious objects and people every time, I found myself drawn to a certain stand. It didn't really stand out, in fact it was kind of hidden, but I continued toward it.
"Oloia, come back here!", my mother shouted, but I ignored her. I would be punished for that, I knew. Yet, I continued toward this stand. As I neared the small shop, I realized that it was quite small, and as I walked inside, I stared at the magnificent treasures there. Oranges? Yes, those were oranges. And Pineapple, and Mangoes! I had only heard stories of these fruits, and only knew which was which thanks to the vendor, who pointed out each to me. When my mother finally caught op, I herd her take in a sharp breath...


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Pianoluvr (joined over 11 years ago)

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