I'm trapped. I came to the beach, ready to relax. Ready to escape my work, and every annoying person in my life. But now I'm caught in a storm. I don't see anyone, it's just me. A large palm tree accompanies me, falling over more every second. He's dying, just like I will. Can I run into someone's house? There are abandoned beach houses, probably locked. The storm rages even louder. It's thumping reminds me of my boss, ready to kill whoever used his coffee machine. I see waves start to form. Large ones. They threaten to destroy me. Wash me out. I run as fast as I can to the houses, knocking hard. No answers. No voices. I stay by them, hoping the waves can't reach me. The palm tree falls. Will I? A man, who I can barely see, looks at me from behind one of the houses. He says nothing, but looks at me, then the waves. So do I. I walk towards them, knowing my fate is already decided.
"Come to me." I say. Almost obeying me, the waves crash over me. No life in me anymore.
Goodbye, world.


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carebearsandpencils (joined about 11 years ago)

Writing is my passion. Yup.

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