Her mind was wrapped around the character sitting next to her. He reeked of sex and alcohol she was told at a young age don't judge a book by it's cover but this books words jumped out at her! She could not see his face his hood his him well. The things he must have just encountered plagued her mind. The smell burned her nostrils it mustered up some nostalgia from her adolescence. Her father had been caught cheating in the shed with miss Andrews. she never told her mother of the encounter. Her mother went to her grave never knowing the man she shared 60 years of her life with had engaged in such unspeakable acts. She reminisced the whole ride home. Finally the mans stop came up it was the same as hers. Miss Peterson? A voice said. Louis? She was surprised to see this was her neighbors great grandson


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successIzkey (joined over 10 years ago)

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