He told me to sit here.

So I wait. Waiting for what? I don't know.

The suspense is killing me. Wait. No it's not. That Mountain Dew I drank is killing me...and all the other GMOs that I consume because my brain tells me I need them. That's not important right now...why am I rambling? I'm in the middle of nature, waiting for him. I should be calm and peaceful. Solitude does that to people. Most people. But not me. I can't sit still. And. Do. Nothing. Maybe that's why he told me to wait here?

He told me to bring the jar. A jar full of petals. Each one signifying a memory. Good. Bad. Bittersweet. It's a physical reminder of a relationship. I'm a visual person so it's important for me to keep track of this stuff. Just the thought of what each petal means triggers waves of nostalgia. It's not even hot out here on this gorgeous autumn day. But I'm sweating. Or at least my eyes are...let the reader understand. Man, these emotions. Why did you ask me to come out here? Because it's quiet. You know I hate quiet. But there you go again, whispering that silent is where I concentrate best.

These petals...milestones...commitments. Tangible, indelible fragments in the physical world to remind me why you were here, why you are not, and where I'll go...


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ganymeder over 9 years ago

I love this and the whole idea of a story of the physical remains of a relationship. Nicely done.

LorenWright (joined over 9 years ago)

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