I felt blood running down my body, i had stab marks in my stomach, two of them, i was alone, on the dirt, with nobody around to help me. I looked up to see a bull standing over me, grunting, breathing heavily, i got up and walked away slowly. when i got up the bull saw the blood and ran away, i tighten my shirt around my stomach, run to the lake across from the sandy field and washed off the blood. My mum saw me from the balcony a few blocks down from the sandy field and she came running up to me and took me to the nearest hospital. I was crying and screaming in pain as the doctor was cleaning me up, mum was worried, she was crying, she called dad and he came as fast as he could.

I heard the doctors say i wouldn't make it, i was scared, i told my parents i loved them as i slowly closed my eyes. This is it for me i said to my parents, my mum said in a voice of fear and tears running down her cheeks, please don't go.


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Madeline almost 6 years ago

Capital I

Adriana (joined about 6 years ago)

1 favorites

Story information


Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Cowgirl
villain Bull
goal Branding
Prompt suggested by Galen


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