Miss or Diss
This game is easy. And it all started at lunch yesterday. We were sitting down in the restricted area. My friend brought up a game.
"Let's play, 'Miss or Diss" She called out.
I was very confused. Miss or Diss? What the heck is this game? My friend must have read my mind, "Clara, It's a game where you pick a person from our school or any character you like and you say it to another person in our group if you want to Diss him/her or you want to Miss -which stands for Marriage, I, sure, should."
"Ok..." I gave her a confused look. My friend Annabelle started. "Clara," She smirked, "Miss or Diss, Thomas Sangster?"
Gosh, I thought, Really? that is my tote fav crush. "Miss," I smiled at her sarcastically. Now it was my turn. I looked around for a good opponent. "Lucy, to shy, Angie, to rude, Monica, to smart, Annabelle, to fandomish, Nikki, too bossy, Maddi, to annoying and that leaves, Chole. She was the right one.
"Ok," I smiled, "Chole. Miss or Diss, Isaac?"
Chole smiled innocently, "Who is Issac?"
"He, ha, he," I looked at her.
"Issac from our school?"
"Oh yeh," She replied bluntly.
I knew this was her crush and all eyes were staring at her.
"Diss," She replied. I was shocked. Everyone was shocked. She had just dissed Isaac.


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_dramione_101 (joined over 6 years ago)
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Blank Prompt

Freeform prompt. Every Friday, writers face a blank page without any prompt. They write whatever they want in six minutes or less.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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