It was a swarm. They were trying to get in. Surrounding the house. I was running frantically throughout the house, making sure every window and small crevice was locked and closed up. Leaving no gap, or space to get in. The house was air-tight. After a while, the buzzing stopped. The swarm died down, I was safe. I walk outside to double check and I hear one last buzz, closer than ever, as if it was in my ear. It was on my shoulder. I pick it up and see a little insect. It's wings were long, it had a dark and scary face...but it was cute. Not in the looks, but in its actions. So sweet and calm. Wings spread wide, legs holding that tight grasp around my finger holding me tight, making sure I couldn't and wasnt going to leave.


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lara.colagrossi over 6 years ago

Great work. Keep it up!!! :)

georgia_b (joined over 6 years ago)

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