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In her rear-view mirror, she saw Gene turn. He looked at the bush, at her, at the bush again, and then felt his pockets. Phone, wallet, ke...

He bolted for the bush. Heather slammed her hand against the ignition and turned the key. Grinding metal. The car was already on. She floored it and turned for the bush. No clear plan had formed in her mind but she could see Gene sprinting. The bush arrived and the car rose up to meet it, bouncing over the rockery and screeching up the hill. Grinding metal again. The wheels were spinning. Smoke...

She was looking ahead, eyes parallel with the ground.

She was looking ahead, eyes perpendicular with the ground.

Parallel. Perpendicular. Parallel. Perpen... parallel.

The car came to rest. Her weight pressed her into the seatbelt. Gravity pressed her really, but she thought of her weight first. Gene had made her borderline bulimic. Speaking of: she wretched onto the ceiling of the car.

Gene's eyes, perpendicular, winced. "Lovely," he said.

Her eyes closed. "Just one last puke, to cap off a year of puke together."

"A year of memorable voms. Remember the first one?"

She nodded.


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Galen (joined over 15 years ago)
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Glad to have this back online for the decade anniversary.

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Prompt (write a story including these elements)

hero Gene
villain Heather
goal Guilt
Prompt suggested by Galen


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