Today he awoke to the blaring sound of thunder. "Again", he thought to himself. It had been just like this for 38 days straight now. The long hours throughout the day and evening. The animals making their sounds all the time, never ceasing sometimes; the frogs, he couldn't stand the tree frogs.

And there were the ladies on board the boat, always nagging, "Noah, do this", it just never stopped. Actually at one point he was completely ready to abandon ship and climb up the inside wall of the hull and out that little window and float off to wherever God only knew.

Yet he never did, he just would make his day the best he could by scooping up poop and feeding straw to the animals. Those ungrateful animals, they all were. And at night he lay rocking to and from wondering where it would be that they would come ashore and what this place would look, smell and feel like. He couldn't imagine.

Day 38 is over now. And so begins day 39, an ugly regurgitation of the previous day. Except for this time he decided that he would punk his wife by telling her that land was approaching and that God had told him that if she were silent for the next 2 weeks that he would bless her with untold abilities. Noah snickered to himself when she wasn't looking, only to happy for his new found circumstances, "She is q


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WillHenley (joined over 13 years ago)

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Blank Prompt

Freeform prompt. Every Friday, writers face a blank page without any prompt. They write whatever they want in six minutes or less.
Prompt suggested by Galen


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